Il destino dei soldati italiani? Prima viene il voto per il Colle | Politica |

ROMA – Il prossimo mercoledì 28 gennaio il Consiglio dei ministri ri-finanzierà le missioni militari. Lo hanno fatto sapere fonti vicine a palazzo Chigi, spiegando che la misura sarà inserita nel decreto legge (dl) in materia di lotta al terrorismo.

DI DECRETO IN DECRETO – Si tratta dell’ennesimo decreto del governo Renzi in materia di stanziamenti per i nostri 7mila soldati impiegati in due operazioni in Italia (Strade sicure e Sorveglianza e sicurezza nel Mediterraneo centrale) e in 35 attività all’estero (le principali al novembre 2014 erano Afghanistan, Libano, Kosovo e Centrafica). Quello precedente è scaduto il 31 dicembre 2014 e aveva messo sul piatto 452,7 milioni di euro. Nulla di nuovo, anche il predecessore dell’attuale premier, Enrico Letta, preferì lo strumento del dl per foraggiare con 619 milioni gli uomini e le donne in mimetica, impiegati nei diversi teatri nazionali e non. Certamente è indiscutibile il carattere di straordinaria urgenza e necessità, previsto dall’articolo 77 della Costituzione italiana per varare un dl, in merito al ri-finanziamento delle missioni militari italiane essendo scaduto il decreto precedente. Se non si agirà in fretta i nostri soldati si troveranno a dover operare in zone anche molto «calde» senza mezzi. Detto ciò rimangono molti ma. Per prima cosa l’urgenza è dovuta dall’inerzia della politica, che come abbiamo visto rimanda di sei mesi in sei mesi la questione grazie allo strumento del dl. Poi manca un capo dello Stato in carica, che è il Comandante supremo delle forze armate.

L’articolo continua qua via Il destino dei soldati italiani? Prima viene il voto per il Colle | Politica |

ISIS Guadagna anche dall’immigrazione Clandestina!!! Gli 007: così Al Qaeda e Is puntano sul business dei clandestini – Analisi Difesa

Gli 007: così Al Qaeda e Is puntano sul business dei clandestini - Analisi Difesa

La questione degli immigrati e’ ormai una discussione senza fine… se da una parte non si poteva lasciare che migliaia di persone (perché sempre di persone si parla) morissero nel tentativo di evadere da guerre e situazioni insostenibili, dall’altro non avremmo mai dovuto sottovalutare ed ignorare tutte le problematiche di sicurezza e salute che scaturiscono dall’accoglienza di massa fatta in questo ultimo anno e piu’.

Ma, almeno apparentemente, a pensarla cosi’ non erano in molti, insomma mentre le notizie e i molti avvisi concernenti la sicurezza e l’anti terrorismo echeggiavano nei palazzi dei governi di tutta europa, il nostro governo continuava imperterrito l’operazione Mare Nostrum.

E’ quindi come un fulmine a ciel sereno che il 23 corrente mese Analisi Difesa pubblica un articolo nel quale si legge che fonti certe (servizi segreti algerini, marocchini, egiziani, tunisini) comunichino che i terroristi di ISIS sfruttano il traffico di clandestini per “ingrassare” i loro conti bancari. 

Ora, a seguito di queste “prove” (e non solo più’ voci di corridoio), potremo finalmente affermare con orgoglio (sarcastico) di essere stati in grado non solo di sperperare miliardi di euro in un operazione che più’ che aiutare le imbarcazioni alla deriva andava a pescare gli immigrati quasi fin nei loro letti, ma anche di aver partecipato concretamente al finanziamento dei terroristi di ISIS!

E vorrei sottolineare che la mia non e’ un accusa a nessuno, ma bensì una constatazione dei fatti!

vi lascio all’articolo di Analisi Difesa …

Cellule di Al Qaeda e dell’Is che hanno base in Turchia, Libia ed Egitto sarebbero entrate prepotentemente nella gestione del traffico di essere umani per finanziare le proprie organizzazioni, scalzando o lavorando in società con i gruppi criminali che da anni gestiscono lo spostamento di siriani, palestinesi e altri cittadini dei Paesi del Centro Africa verso l’Europa.

Continua l’articolo… Gli 007: così Al Qaeda e Is puntano sul business dei clandestini – Analisi Difesa.

Saremo Veramente ad una svolta sul caso dei Maro’ Salvatore e Massimo? perché’ solo ora? -Svolta marò spunta una mail che li salva – Cronache – iltempo

Sul caso di Salvatore e Massimo si e’ detto molto.  A parte i pareri contrastanti del pubblico, che da casa ama sempre dare facili giudizi di colpevolezza, e talune volte anche facili assoluzioni, in questi quasi tre anni di “prigionia” abbiamo visto decine di articoli o servizi televisivi che riprendevano il Caso di Salvatore e Massimo, descrivendo le tante ragioni per il quale loro dovrebbero essere valutati Innocenti.  (il dovrebbero non intende che io abbia differente opinione, ma semplicemente che per uno statuto di uguaglianza, nel momento in cui si formulano delle accuse si pone il dubbio che una persona possa essere innocente o colpevole)

Se pur io rimango dell’opinione che cercare una prova di innocenza o colpevolezza dovrebbe avvenire solo dopo aver portato A PRIORI Salvatore e Massimo in Italia (come vorrebbero le numerose leggi ed accordi vari internazionali), a leggere la notizia che segue mi nasce un sentimento di rabbia profonda.

Analizzando a sangue freddo la notizia, e cercando di fermare la prima euforia (Si, finalmente una prova tangibile per tutti… beh una delle tante poi si dirà!) mi viene da chiedermi perché una e-mail, che quindi rimane normalmente nella memoria di svariati sistemi informatici (computer di mittente e ricevente, server vari, gestore del servizio internet etc.) esca SOLO DOPO OLTRE 1000 GIORNI!

alla luce di quanto sopra, mi chiedo quindi, chi e perché avesse interesse a tenere questa mail nascosta, oppure (seppur lo ritengo imperdonabilmente impossibile) per quale motivo nessuno prima di oggi abbia pensato a vedere e verificare le mail trasmesse dalla nave!

Scriverò meglio nei prossimi giorni di Pirateria e tutte le procedure che una nave deve mettere in atto al momento di un possibile attacco, ma da esperto del settore, vi dico che chiunque si fosse trovato ad investigare sulla faccenda avrebbe dovuto immediatamente richiedere copia di ogni messaggio trasmesso ed avvenuto nel momento in cui si verifico’ l’incidente!  se non e’ stato fatto, o e’ per una negligenza che ha dell’incredibile o per degli interessi differenti!

Vi lascio all’articolo, rimanendo nella speranza che per Salvatore e Massimo si giunga ad una fine certa nel più’ breve tempo possibile!

L’attacco dei pirati alla Enrica Lexie, la nave su cui si trovavano in servizio il 15 febbraio 2012 i marò Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone, è precedente all’incidente che ha causato la morte dei pescatori sulla barca indiana St.Antonhy: è questo il responso che emerge dalla lettura di una mail del comandante della nave italiana anticipata dal settimanale Oggi. Il comandante del cargo avvisò per posta elettronica di aver subito un attacco dai predoni alle 19.15, e l’orario dimostra l’estraneità dei fucilieri rispetto agli eventi legati all’uccisione dei pescatori. L’armatore del peschereccio S. Antony, infatti, ha sempre dichiarato che gli spari contro i suoi due pescatori si sono registrati alle 21.30.

Svolta marò, spunta una mail che li salva – Cronache – iltempo.

Are we really looking for possible measures to contrast Terrorism or are we only loosing time and money? EU pushes for quick decision on new anti-terror law | euronews, world news

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I do not want to step into politics, but allowed me to provide an harsh comment to the EU counter terrorism Project (and of course actual status)!

As short introduction, I think important to underline how and when Europe got the “Union” word, therefore I would like you all to carefully read a paragraph copied at the link of EU (here)

“we should underline that With the collapse of communism across central and eastern Europe, Europeans become closer neighbours. In 1993 the Single Market is completed with the ‘four freedoms’ of: movement of goods, services, people and money. The 1990s is also the decade of two treaties, the ‘Maastricht’ Treaty on European Union in 1993 and the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1999. People are concerned about how to protect the environment and also how Europeans can act together when it comes to security and defence matters. In 1995 the EU gains three more new members, Austria, Finland and Sweden. A small village in Luxembourg gives its name to the ‘Schengen’ agreements that gradually allow people to travel without having their passports checked at the borders. Millions of young people study in other countries with EU support. Communication is made easier as more and more people start using mobile phones and the internet.”

Ok, after this clear description of what EU wanted, and would like to be, let’s go back to what has been the discussion of this week in the EU parliament:

The EU wants a quick decision on a new law that will force governments to share air passenger data. The draft bill, first proposed in 2011, is being looked at again after the Paris attacks amid fears about returning jihadists from Syria. A committee of MEPs rejected the legislation in 2013.

Now, after the above sentence, allowed me to exclaim… ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHAT THE @@@@@@ IS THIS DISCUSSION?

In my perception, when talking about “UNITY”, it should be compulsory to have such unity also and especially in these matters that really concern people… so as I underline on the paragraph copied by EU site “People are concerned about how to protect the environment and also how Europeans can act together when it comes to security and defence matters“, security and defence should not be matter of discussion, not anymore! but “apparently” this is not the actual status

If we, EUROPEAN CITIZENS, want to be safe and protected, we need to act in order to be safe and protected, all together, like if we where just a “single nation”.

Nowadays, when we are already talking of EU, it is not anymore the time to claim for this kind of “privacy right”; in instance, in each single Nation of the European Union, police forces have the right to control anybody, have the right to exchange information between police stations etc. So why, if we live in the EU, we still have to authorise police forces to investigate on European people (and anybody traveling or visiting Europe)?

Meanwhile in EU we still have a lot of discussion on the scan of finger print, when anybody travel to USA, or UAE etc, hi/she has to provide his/her fingerprint! why not in EU?

Although I agree with people that claim for privacy, although I agree with people that concern about a miss use (or abuse) of certain “Control powers”, I strongly believe that we need to understand what are the proper boundaries of privacy.  In a society, where our credit card, cell phone, TV subscription, Internet etc etc, collect millions of data in order to provide better Info to whom will sell or advertise goods, I remained stunned when people believe that the same information cannot be freely provided to police forces.

Probably people and especially our politicians prefer to suffer of a terroristic attack rather than understand that sometime we need to give something in order to receive something! and Safety and security is way more important than not tell police that I am in paris or in Rome.  it will anyway show up as soon as I connect in Internet!!!!

As final consideration, and in the hope that some Politic responsible for these decision read my article, I personally prefer police to know my movement within EU rather than see soldiers patrolling my city streets! 

Have fun with the following incredible reality…

via EU pushes for quick decision on new anti-terror law | euronews, world news.

Japanese PM condemns apparent ISIL killing of hostage as ‘outrageous’ | euronews, world news

It was really sad to watch the news this morning and get to know that the first of the two Japan Hostages was brutally killed.

There are really no much world that can be said in such sad situation!  As probably (and hopefully) the majority of you, I cannot find any sort of justification for the murdering of an innocent and unarmed person.

I admit to have contrasting thought on the action that should be followed in order to avoid the dead of the second hostage.  In fact, if in one hand I would not surrend to these criminal requests’, on the other hand I feel as the life of the remained Hostage is surely the most important one.

I found also useless in this case just say that we should kill them all, this because at the moment the priority (at least for the Japan Government) is to find a way to save the life of the Hostage, and shouting dead sentence would not help in the looking for a solution!

In any case, and anyway, wether that Japan Government will manage to have him safely back, or not, we will all have to seriously think on a real solution of this problem.  If we (and I say we, because this is a common problem to any nation of this small world) don’t begin to seriously think at a huge coalition to smash and extirpate ISIS and any other similar Terroristic organisation, we will definitely get used to the killings of Hostage in TV!

As always my though goes to the Hostage, to the victims and to their families!

Japanese PM condemns apparent ISIL killing of hostage as ‘outrageous’ | euronews, world news.

Former French soldiers, including Special Forces, join ISIS

As the fight to ISIS keep going on, many sad and bad news are coming out.

On the attached article you will read about (in this case) “former” French soldiers (also coming from SF Units) joining ISIS Forces.

I personally feel frustrated by such news.  If in one hand I expected such event (Is not only because they where soldiers that shouldn’t join the “dark side”), on the other hand, to think that well prepared Soldiers are joining the bad cause can only raise my concern!

My primary concern stand in the fact that ISIS personnel will surely exploit their knowledge and experience in order to better fight the “Coalition Forces'”;  than, as second step, they will probably create special cells within the Jihadists, which will be able to operate autonomously and perpetrate simple or even complex operations in order to attack any possible target around the world!

My secondary concern stand in the media effect;  having Special forces Joining the ISIS could become that good incentive to let many other (for the moment not yet decided or sure) to join the ISIS cause!

I personally have not a real solution to this situation; have been demonstrated that are not only muslims deciding to join ISIS, but also (and especially) converted to Islam, that normally follow the extremism path. And we all know that a person motivated by “faith” can be way more drastic in his/her decision than a person motivated by any other thing!

Read the article here: Former French soldiers, including Special Forces, join ISIS.

Police hunt for second man found in CCTV footage of Jewish Museum attack in Brussels | World | News | Daily Express

He was caught on CCTV walking down a street with Mehdi Nemmouche, the prime suspect in the case.

Nemmouche, a 29-year-old Frenchman, has so far been portrayed as a ‘lone wolf jihadi’ who allegedly carried out the massacre last May.

We need to identify this man, and question him as soon as possible

Brussels police source

But, as he waits for his trial on remand while pleading his innocence, officers released the new colour video of a man who may well have been an accomplice.

It raises the possibility of Nemmouche being part of a terrorist cell dedicated to the killing of Jewish people.

“We need to identify this man, and question him as soon as possible,” said a Brussels police source.

Keep reading at: Police hunt for second man found in CCTV footage of Jewish Museum attack in Brussels | World | News | Daily Express.

ISIS Captures Twenty Christian Men And A 14 Year Old Christian Girl, And Is Now Torturing Them, And It Is Now Said That They Will Most Likely Execute Them – Walid Shoebat

ISIS Captures Twenty Christian Men And A 14 Year Old Christian Girl, And Is Now Torturing Them, And It Is Now Said That They Will Most Likely Execute Them - Walid Shoebat

How many unarmed children, women, and men still need to be captured before all nations (no matter what religion they profess) will begin a REAL fight with ISIS?

I am not an alarmist, but I have to admit that ISIS is a real treat for all our cultures and nations.  What they are doing on a big scale in Syria, Iraq, Egypt etc. will be soon done in our nations!

My thought to all victims, from any nation and religion!

“ISIS captured twenty Christian men and a 14 year old Christian girl. It is now being said that they are being tortured and that likely ISIS will slaughter them.

Parents of the captive Christians rallied in front of the United Nations building in Cairo. Here is a photo said to be of some of the kidnapped victims:… …”

Continue reading at: ISIS Captures Twenty Christian Men And A 14 Year Old Christian Girl, And Is Now Torturing Them, And It Is Now Said That They Will Most Likely Execute Them – Walid Shoebat.

UCAV, A New Way of War?


Every day, somewhere, in some office, there is a discussion on the use of UCAVs.

Meanwhile the public opinion keep raising doubts on the use of these tactical systems (good both for surveillance and attack), all nations are running on the development of new and better UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle)  and UCTV (Unmanned Combat Terrestrial Vehicle) systems’.  

There is no doubt that they are for several reason better than any other past and actual systems:  it is, in fact, enough to affirm that UCAVs has the only limitation in their real autonomy (fuel consumption etc) and not in Human limitations’.  Since are remotely controlled (also by the use of satellites, which expand their use to a worldwide area), pilots, have no problem of sleep deprivation, or fear or any other “Human concerns” etc., therefore are considered “better soldiers”.

As Former Special Forces, I have some doubts on their future use and developments… we Human know that the war is not only shooting here or there, launching bombs etc, war is matter of killing people, create devastations, defend innocents, etc. … but the idea behind the future development of these UCAV and UCTV (Unmanned Combat Terrestrial Vehicle) stand in the research and development of system able to operate in the complete absence of Human control… in the future (not far in my opinion) we will probably have to just set the target or task in the computer and lunch the system… it will accomplish the mission, no matter what, when, where etc etc … very good if considering only the tactical and strategical tasks… but what about when Human are victim of failure systems?

what about in the hand of terroristic groups'?

My other big concern stand in the fact that, if we can create, develop and use such systems, also our enemies can!  this means that terroristic groups, weak nations etc (that before needed anyway a huge effort in oder to create a real treat) tomorrow (or already today) could need a small effort to gain a huge result…

we always need to remember that what can be achieved by the “good guys” with a huge effort, can be achieved by the “bad guys” with half of the same effort. In fact, meanwhile we are wondering whether these systems should be used or not, and how and when etc. , the bad guys have only the problem to gain some!

I leave you with the following article, which explain in short how UACVs gain power on the tactical scene, and what concerns are now showing up!

A New Way of War | Remote Control Project.


Here another FAQS short article, this time about PMSCs.

Let me introduce the article with a personal consideration.  In the eyes of “pacifist” or generally Civilians with none or very little understanding of the security world, all PMSCs are just groups of “mercenaries”, therefore considered dangerous, out of control, and in anyway useless!

Most people consider the PMSCs’ personnel as criminals or even worst “paranoid people” looking for murdering and other stupidities.

Well, this is an idea instilled by Media and other mass communications platforms, that always describe these companies as “non legal. unclear” entities, and that can gather a lot of audience form this description.  In reality, although I admit it remain still some grey zone (i.e. luck of clear international regulation and protocol), the majority of the PMSCs are doing an incredible good job both in war contest and in our normal society.  In fact, under the name of PMSCs are not only these companies that work in war zone, but also all the companies providing any sort of security services around the world.

I will write more on the subject in my future article, but for the moment I leave you at the PMSCs’ FAQS … PMSCs | Remote Control Project.