Islamic State militants demand $200 million ransom for Japanese hostages | euronews, world news

Hear we are again!

I regretfully have to say that this kind of news will never get to an end!  If in one hand, terrorists are making of such treat a kind of “institution” (allowed me this term), on the other hand, there are to many people not really aware on what to do and how to behave when traveling or working in “high risk countries or environments”

No, I don’t want to say that it is Hostage fault, or that thanks to a better preparation and training such tremendous event (kidnapping) will get to an end, but I am sure it will become harder for these foolish criminals to kidnap people!

My thought goes to the two Japanese hostages and their families!

READ THE FULL NEWS Islamic State militants demand $200 million ransom for Japanese hostages | euronews, world news.

Published by

Danilo Amelotti

I am a former Italian SPECOPs; after 25 years of service I left the active duty and I am now private trainer and co-owner of Tactical News Magazine International. I will write about my past and present experiences, trainings and training methodology, and I will comment actual event (mainly related to my past activities). Finally you will also find reviews on equipment and weapons. Sono un Incursore in congedo; dopo 25 anni di servizio ho lasciato il servizio attivo e sono ora un istruttore privato e comproprietario di Tactical News Magazine International. Sul mio blog scriverò articoli riguardanti le mie esperienze passate e presenti, parlerò' di addestramenti vari e metodologie di insegnamento, ed ovviamente commenterò' fatti attuali (maggiormente correlati con la mia passata esperienza). In fine pubblicherò' anche test di equipaggiamenti vari.

2 thoughts on “Islamic State militants demand $200 million ransom for Japanese hostages | euronews, world news”

    Transparency Needed. I hope Baghdadi knows what he’s doing. This unprecedented ransom request of Baghdadi is fractional of Japan’s Aid rendered to Warlords committing genocide against Muslims elders, women and children in Syria, Iraq and AFPAK as we speak and yet it’s “HAVES” vs. “HAVE-NOTS” game that troubles me as releasing Yazidis uninvited. Both precedents are very dangerous game changer. You’re the bad guys. Who the fuck cares whether ISIS pardon Japanese, release Yazidis or masturbate on YouTube. The whole world taxed ISIS: “a good Muslim is a dead Muslim”. Deal with it.
    Selling Japan short at $200M is shrewd. Japan is as Saudi they are hydrocarbon common thieves they enjoyed stealing countries commonwealth while the real owners are starved to death. Obama pulled out the rug from under duo feet; sending ‘em to economical abyss. The Feds now use Yakuza to print Japanese Yen outta thin air instead of Bank of Tokyo. Now Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe can go fucck himself in Jerusalem. He’s so desperate to be there.


    Transparency Needed. I hope Baghdadi knows what he’s doing. This unprecedented ransom request of Baghdadi is fractional of Japan’s Aid rendered to Warlords committing genocide against Muslims elders, women and children in Syria, Iraq and AFPAK as we speak and yet it’s “HAVES” vs. “HAVE-NOTS” game that troubles me as releasing Yazidis uninvited. Both precedents are very dangerous game changer. You’re the bad guys. Who the fuck cares whether ISIS pardon Japanese, release Yazidis or masturbate on YouTube. The whole world taxed ISIS: “a good Muslim is a dead Muslim”. Deal with it.
    Selling Japan short at $200M is shrewd. Japan is as Saudi they are hydrocarbon common thieves they enjoyed stealing countries commonwealth while the real owners are starved to death. Obama pulled out the rug from under duo feet; sending ‘em to economical abyss. The Feds now use Yakuza to print Japanese Yen outta thin air instead of Bank of Tokyo. Now Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe can go fucck himself in Jerusalem. He’s so desperate to be there.


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